Yuzawa City is also a fruitful autumn. It is komagata district where fruit tree cultivation is active. We are currently in the middle of harvesting grapes. The effects of the typhoon were also worried, but there seemed to be little damage and it seemed to be hot. As you can see, apples. Because the variety is "Fuji", it has about one month until the harvest, but it grows in fact and redness has increased, too. As autumn deepens, it becomes more and more delicious, such as "fresh rice", "mushrooms", and "fruits". In the coming season, "Inaba Tejin Udon" is also active as a hot noodle and a pot. Because the waist is strong, and it is excellent over the throat, it is OK even if I boil it. Please enjoy it by all means. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.
Show All2017Year September
Born in Yuzawa City! Chef Inoue
- 2017September 16 -
The other day, I visited "Sutsan Restaurant Chen" for lunch on the New Year's Day in Tokyo. It is on the second floor of Cerulean Tower Tokyu in Shibuya. Chef Inoue here is from Yuzawa City. He won the Grand Prix "Red Egg" at the RED U-35 2016, one of the largest chef competitions in Japan, and is attracting attention as the No. 1 young chef. The restaurant has a calm atmosphere. The kitchen is also a little visible. A gem of a menu course. "Qingjiao Rose" It is a different dimension from the "Qingjiao Rose" that I have eaten so far. I spent an hour and a half slowly enjoying a delicious lunch, but it was my fault. I had a strong desire to eat as soon as possible, and other than this, I forgot to take pictures. Regret! You can enjoy the taste of Chef Inoue in "Yuzawa City". October 30(moon)Yuzawa Grand Hotel * For details, please check the website of Yuzawa Grand Hotel. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Show AllReally great...
- 2017September 5 -
朝晩の冷え込みが初秋を感じる今日この頃です。 田んぼの「稲」も画像のように実っております。 「実るほど頭と垂れる稲穂かな」。 このようになりたいものですがなかなか!難しいのが現実! 今年の秋の収穫予想も「良」とのこと。 水害や春の低温を心配しましたが、農家の皆さん良かったです。 稲庭うどん造りも寒暖の差が大きくなると、職人の腕の見せ所です。 熟練職人は翌日、翌々日の気温湿度を予想し仕込を開始します。 今年はテレビ番組の影響か?「切ハシ」と「切落とし」が好調です。 手造りならではの商品で長さは短く量も少ないので「秋田県内限定販売品」。 ネット販売では数量限定で「稲庭手業うどんお徳用」を販売しております。 長さが短く、太さもバラバラ!これが完全手造りの証! 500gで約5~6人前です(茹で時間5分前後)ぜひ、ご賞味ください。 こちらは「徳用の曲り」です。 乾燥の時に竿にかけるとUの字の形となります。 茹で上げると約40cmの長さ。手間暇がかかるため 他のメーカー様ではほとんど製品にしない貴重な長さの部分です。 もちろん数量限定品です。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
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