ライオンズクラブ研修旅行にて最終日「トヨタ産業技術記念館」へ見学。 トヨタグループさんの前身は紡織、繊維を生業とする企業で 繊維製造機械等の製造もしていたと初めて知りました。 工場の建物は一部、繊維工業時代のものを改装して作られており、歴史を感じます。 ゆっくり工場見学途中に一枚の「垂れ幕」! 『が~~~ん!』心に響く言葉!着飾りのない言葉。ズシ~ンときました。 繊維工業時代から現在の自動車製造までがブースごとに分かれており 一緒に行った仲間も自由行動となり、自分の興味のある部署をじっくり見学。 アッという間の1時間30分となりました。 最後にまたまた「が~~~~~ん!」 自分も・・・・・こういうところがあるなぁと反省。 時代を造り、引っ張ってきた方々の言葉には重みがあり共感させられます。 案内・説明の女性、機械を動かし見せてくれる男性の皆さん。 ご丁寧なご対応をありがとうございました。 トヨタ自動車さんを見習い、今後も「稲庭手業うどん」造りに励みたいと思いました。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
Show All2019年June
Sacredly to the feeling.
- 2019June 24 -
Over the weekend, I went to Mie Prefecture on a training trip to a local Lions club whose motto is "We serve." I visited Ise Grand Shrine for the first time in my life. In a solemn atmosphere, the weather was good and the first visit was a valuable experience. A shrine dedicated to the gods and hundreds of years old trees surrounding it. It was a time when I was very happy to be able to walk around the sacred place for about an hour and a half. He has been involved in Inaniwa Te industry udon for more than 30 years. "Ise udon" to eat at home. Different from the taste eaten at the event, I was able to enjoy the gentle taste to the tired body and internal organs after the visit. It was full of feeling that it was indispensed for the culture of Ise here. "Inaiwa is Inaba, Ise is Ise." The taste that has been protected in the region for hundreds of years was impressive. The color is dark, but the salt is modest. The customer service of the souvenir shop including the udon shop was also very study. Taxi drivers were easy to talk to only in tourist spots, and they taught me the history of Ise, how to visit it, the history, and so on. Thanks! By the way, the pedometer of this day is "23000 steps". The total distance was about 16km! Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllMountain Vinyl House!
- 2019年6月20日
Yesterday was a little rain and a little chilly yuzawa city. "A herd of vinyl houses in the mountains" in the middle of delivery of Inaba Handicraft Udon. This is a cherry farm in the Misawa district of Yuzawa City, which is considered to be the most delicious in Japan. Shipment sat down last week, but it seems that the large-grain "Sato Nishiki" has been shipped since about the end of this month. It is said that it is possible to ship to the whole country including the metropolitan area. Take this opportunity to enjoy the "good blessings" of early summer. Because the image of the cherries is uploaded again, the sudden earthquake on the night of the day before yesterday also has a seismic intensity of 4. We hope that everyone in Yamagata and Niigata prefectures who have been affected will be careful in the future and that they will be able to recover as soon as possible. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.
Show AllSesame Soup Easy Recipe
- 2019June 15 -
The temperature is rising more and more these days. Tsukemen of "Inaba Tei-don" on such a hot day! Today is the introduction of the "Gomatsuyu" simple recipe that I promised the other day. The image below is the material! "Mentsuyu (concentrated) & sesame sauce (for shabu-shabu) & walnuts & sugar & miso & water" Point . Switch on this mixer! Mix it in 10-20 seconds! If there is no walnut, it is OK with "peanut butter" on the market. Cooking? Can I say cooking? Mentsuyu 50cc, Sesame sauce 100cc, Water 150cc, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of miso, 10 grains of walnuts (or 2 tablespoons peanut butter) it is finished over a mixer! Please adjust the sweetness and salt adjustment according to your taste. We recommend green onion, wasabi, ginger, alum and sesame seeds! Be sure to use "Ice Water" to cool the Inaba Tegyo Udon with "Ice Water" and enjoy it. Because it is a simple recipe of the man, all the ingredients are available in the supermarket. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllIt's going well this year too!
- 2019June 11 -
Yesterday, when it was a little cold for the first time in a long time, I visited the apple orchard of Yuzawa City Hometown Tax Payment, which has a tie-up with an apple farmer. Blue sky! White clouds! And the greenery of the trees! It is a very pleasant view. As shown in the image, the apple fruit had also grown to the size of a ping-pong ball. 3~5 balls are combined, but in order to make the fruit big and delicious, it is sorted into 1 ball from here and welcomes the summer season. I feel like it's a waste, but this work is necessary to make it delicious, says veteran orchard. It's still a long way off, but I think that in mid-November, "bright red, big, sweet" Akita Fuji apples will bear fruit. Please access "Yuzawa City Hometown Tax Payment". Our company's "Inaniwa Handiage Udon" is posted as a return item ~! This page has been automatically translated (H29 image). Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllNew products are popular.
- 2019年6月7日
I can finally introduce the two types that we have been selling since this spring. Our Inaniwa Tegyo Udon is mainly used for business use at restaurants. We are proud that our chefs who use it every day have a passing score for their strict eyes and meals. Can I sell my business at the store? Would you like to have your own Inaba Handmade Udon personally? Can't you sell only the amount you eat at home? In response to the voices of inaniwa tegyo udon "cook tailoring" 500g (about 6 servings) have been prepared from this spring. It is because it is popular. The following items are images. Unlike other companies, we minimize costs for packaging materials, etc., and place importance on the amount of content. Packaging is not possible, but it is a full-fledged "Inaba Handicraft Udon" that can be eaten at home. In addition, it is "Otoku bending 200g" renewed this spring. This is also a limited product in Akita Prefecture, it is a product of limited quantity and sale place limited even now. I was able to introduce it at last in limited quantities in the net sale. A gem that can be made only by making by hand. Not to mention the smooth feeling, the flat part has a unique texture and throat. You can eat as much as you want without having to talk about the characteristic shape. It is the season when it becomes hotter and hotter. It is limited in quantity! Let's do "Tsukemen measures" early! I'm sorry that the image is poor. I will study shooting more and try to make it easier to see more and more, so please excuse me. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllSpring? Summer? Feel the
- 2019June 6 -
Is it spring? Is it summer? The temperature is still high. It is a mountain stream of Akita, a beautiful snow country with fresh greenery reminiscent of early summer. This is my viewpoint on the way to delivering "Inaniwa Tegyo Udon". White wave splash! Lush trees! And the deep green mountains! It is a blessing of nature. Seedlings were also planted in paddy fields. The blessings of good weather and the reflection of the mountains make it a beautiful landscape. The thermometer is 27°C, but this was taken in the morning. The temperature on this day was over 30°C. The whiteness of the mountain seen in the distance on the right is "residual snow". It was really heavy snow this winter. When the hot weather continues, I miss the noodles. Today's lunch is "Inaniwa Tegyo Udon and Tsukemen". I ate not only soy sauce soup, but also simple "sesame sauce". A simple "sesame sauce" recipe will be uploaded soon~! Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllIniwa udon in Shizuoka!
- 2019年6月5日
先週後半、久々に東海地方への出張。 前日までは全国的に猛暑。雪国育ちには不安な3泊4日でしたが 25℃前後と仕事のしやすい気温で過ごさせていただきました。 前日の稲庭よりもずっと涼しく感じました。 さてさて・・・ オープン以来、当社の「稲庭手業うどん」をご使用いただいております 「稲庭うどん 葉月」さまへお伺いいたしました。 地域の皆様、近隣市町村・近県の皆様にご愛顧をいただき4周年を迎えております。 静岡県湖西市にある葉月さんの店内は約40名ほどがゆっくり入れるほどのスペース。 和風造りな店内は座敷席、テーブル席と落ち着けるたたずまいです。 駐車場も15台ほどがゆっくり置けるほどの広さを完備しております。 オープン前にお邪魔したにもかかわらず、こだわりの「煮込み」をまずは遠慮なくゴチに! ビールでもと思いましたが、仕事仕事。まだ朝ですし・・・レンタカーですし・・・。 冷たい麦茶を美味しくいただかせていただきました。 続けて登場「稲庭手業うどん」温麺。 東海地方はつゆに「かつお節」をトッピングされてくるのが特徴です。 鰹出汁に薄口のつゆ。麺の味を引き立たせてくれます。 天ぷらは驚愕・・・・・7点盛りです。 更に「稲庭手業うどん」つけ麺。2つのツユが楽しめます。 茹で加減も絶妙できちっと氷水で締めており、つるつるシコシコいくらでも食べれます。 温麺とつけ麺の茹で時間を調整して茹で上げるこだわり店主。 見事な「ツヤ」です。 11:00のオープンと同時にさっそく5組のお客様がご来店。 お店の邪魔にならないよう早めに退散して参りましたが、外にある車のナンバーは 大阪、名古屋、三重と他県のお客様も。 今後も末永く皆様に愛されること間違いなしの「稲庭うどん 葉月」様。 湖西市近郊に行かれた時は是非お立ち寄りくださいませ。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
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