This winter, the weather is blessed. The heavy snow fall at one o'clock does not become root snow, and it is likely to be able to greet the end of the year. Well, we have used a lot of "Inaba Handicraft Udon" today, and we have purchased "Sanseki Seri" by saying impossible to the production directly in the Sanseki district at the request of the chef of the special dish. Look at this worm, a splendid "root". Miseki's "roots" are also crispy and crunchy. It plays an active part when it is fresh with the pickitanpo pot, the rice sauce, the boil, and the pickle. The chef really wanted to respond to the request from a regular customer to eat "kuritanpo pot using authentic ingredients". It is severe when it is through the sanseki serei -wholesaler within two days of the harvest of the demand that the real Hiuchi chicken, hiuchi chicken straight soup, and the thick "Kiridanpo" absolutely want to eat. It is a shipment to the transaction to set this. Request from the head chef who uses "Inaba Teko Udon" every day. In addition, we meet the expectations of fans of Akita ingredients. We provide direct shipping from the production area. We will continue to respond to the needs of restaurants and restaurants that have traded "Inaba Teko Udon" and will continue to respond to the advertisement of ingredients from Akita. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may be different from the original contents.
Show All2019year
Dododo and "Expensive"
- 2019December 4, 2008
The biggest snowfall of the year since yesterday! It is already an amount that exceeds boots. About 40-50cm. Today we are snowing for the third time since the morning. How much of the road is rattling? Today, we introduce "super-expensive items" that are usually sold only at "road stations" and "souvenir shops" in Akita Prefecture. It is a virtue article of 1000g (about 10-12 people). Since the end of November, the number of tourists has been fewer, and we are finally able to make stock, and we will sell it to customers who visit our website in limited quantities and for a limited time. It is an unsastled product that has been "length", "thickness", and "broken in process" for hand-made manufacturing. It is a "by-product" that comes out in the manufacturing process of Inaniwa Te industry udon. See "Quantity" in the display. It's 1000g. Gift items are usually around 700g to 800g.,About 000... It's 1000g. How "super good deals" There are roses, but you can enjoy the handmade flavor. It's getting colder and colder from now on. Please warm your body and heart with warm "Inaniwa Teshin Udon" tempura. The expiration date is about two years. Moreover, it is room temperature preservation. Boiled time is 3 minutes 30 seconds to 4 minutes 30 seconds. It's very easy (see hp's cooking video) Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllSkotama Sanby~
- 2019November 27 -
It is "snow" that it rained once last week, but it is hot without root snow this winter. However, the cold is getting severe after all. The temperature in Yuzawa city today is -4°C. As you can see, "frost" covers the entire area. Trees and mountains are frozen and endure the cold. Clover near the parking lot is also this street. The frost that shines green is fantastic for some reason. Every year, mountains and rice fields are white, but as you can see! It is today's temperature which seems to face a full-fledged winter from now on. On such a cold day, please warm your body and heart with "Inaniwa Hand Industry Udon". The boiling time is only 3 minutes and 30 seconds. You can enjoy the taste of the real place. By the way, [Skotama, Sanby~] is akita dialect. It means [pretty cold~]. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Show AllThank you very much.
- 2019November 18, 2008
It is the second day of Okinawa Great Trade Fair 2019. It seems that the number of store openings has increased more than last year, and from this time it will be held at two venues. We became a part of agricultural processed products and our company was a business meeting at "Ginowan City Gymnasium". Take a break on a bench in a park with a blue sky. We had business meetings with four companies in the morning, and in front of the fleete "lunch break" venue, "Okinawa specialty stalls" by mobile cafeterias opened. Today's lunch is a large serve of "Taco Rice"! I was energized for the business meeting from the afternoon. Thank you for having many opportunities for business negotiations this year. We will continue to deliver delicious "Inaniwa Hand-made Udon and Yakuzen Udon" to everyone in Japan and overseas. We would like to express our gratitude to all the "buyers" who have been busy. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Show AllIntroducing to overseas people
- 2019November 14 -
We are exhibiting at the "Okinawa Great Trade Association" held in Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture again this year. Based in Okinawa, we introduce "Inaniwa Teshi Udon" to overseas customers. We are indebted to buyers in various countries, and we are preparing business supplies and retail goods, as well as "gift supplies" that we had many requests for last year. It is two days from today, but two people from our company attend and introduce delicious "Inaniwa Te industry udon". Thank you to the buyers who had the opportunity to talk with us. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllWinter... just around the time?
- 2019On October 30th.
Delivery of "Inaniwa Teeshi Udon" to Yamanaka... It is early, and October is tomorrow and the last day. Akita Fuji "Toriumiyama" also started to wear light snow make-up, but the mountains here in Yuzawa City are also in the end of autumn leaves. In October, the difference in temperature became large and it became a splendid color. At the gas station in the area, the letter of "November 18" snowfall forecast date is also .! I feel that the first snow is slower than usual, but the fight with the snow will start for the next five months. The coming season is "Inaniwa Teyeshi Udon" after all. Please warm your body and mind by making plenty of seasonal "mushrooms" and "yasa" etc. in the noodles. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllAfter all, it is a word of "good".
- 2019October 19 -
Today's lunch! First of all, the fried tofu is removed with hot water. Then, soy sauce, sugar, mily, stewed and seasoned. Because it is cold today, I prepare a warm "Otsuyu". Inaba Tsuyu soy sauce flavor (3 times concentrated) mirin powder soup stock Raw wakame is washed with water and japon in boiling water. Immediately raise it to cold water. After that, the undertaste is attached with "Ytsuyu". We are opening an Inaniwa udon specialty store in Kosai City, Shizuoka Prefecture. The taste of the soup and the flavor of bonito are delicious. The aroma also increases the taste even more. Today's lunch "Inaniwa Udon Young Fox". The freshly-made leeks are also dodo-don! I got on it. "Inaniwa Teshi Udon" by Turtsusi Okosico. When it gets cold, don't put out "hot noodles" after all. [Ingredients 5 people] Inaniwa Tegyu 500g Inaniwa Tsuyu 300m?1 Bottle Mirin A little powder soup stock 1 teaspoon of water 2 liters (adjusted to your taste) Deep-fried 5 pieces of raw wakame appropriate amount green onion 1/2 pieces of spring cut chili pepper appropriate amount (flavored fried tofu) Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllAgain... 00 soba
- 2019October 17 -
またまた中華そば。 (稲庭手業うどんも週一は食べてますよ) 本日は配達&打ち合わせでにかほ市へ。 数か所へ寄り寄りで最終配達が13:30過ぎ。 ようやくの昼食は山形県酒田市の満月系の中華そば「華月」さんへお邪魔しました。 「月」系の中華といえば「雲呑(ワンタン)」です。 魚介系の薄口スープに中太縮れ麺。そして喉ごしツルツルな雲呑。 ワンタンは5~6個くらい入ってます。 スープとの相性も良い中太麺。 会計伝票はこんなに大きい手造りです。 メニュー表は各テーブルに置いてますが、注文は玄関を入ってすぐ注文というスタイル。 初めての方にはわかりにくいシステムですが、田舎風といえば・・・。 多数で行ってメニューに迷うと混乱します。 価格は記憶によると50円アップか?消費税増税後に変更か?でもこの価格ですから~! 今日のお昼は「稲庭手業うどん」の温麺にしよっと!Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
Show AllFeel the history, the town China soba
- 2019October 10 -
昨日の昼食。「稲庭手業うどん」の配達後に立ち寄りました。 ここは隣町、横手市増田町にある「つばくら食堂」。会社からは車で10分ほどの所にあります。 増田町と言えば「内蔵」と「まんが美術館」があり、観光シーズンは全国からお客様が 来町するようになった場所です。蔵の通りやまんが美術館からは徒歩で10分以内の店舗です。 創業が昭和30年代と60十年以上の歴史ある風情の食事処。夜は居酒屋としてやっています。 本日のメニューは一番人気の「昔の中華そば」・・・大盛(毎週水曜日は大盛無料のようです) うっすらと浮かぶ鶏油スープに具材は「チャーシュー、のり、なると、メンマ、焼き麩、ねぎ、白ごま」 昔ながらのかん水不使用の細麺(若干ちぢれ麺)。 旨い!うまい!旨い!うまい!! これぞ昭和の時代から受け継がれている懐かしい味。 現代の脂っこいスープ、濃厚味とは一線を引き、歴史を感じる昭和人には有難い味。 カウンター上部にはメニュー表。 これも歴史を感じる作りと価格。いまどき一番高い値段のチャーシューメンで680円!驚きです! そして画像の小鉢は店主自慢の「ホルモン煮込み」 夜のメニューですが、昼食時にあれば小鉢で300円で裏メニューとして注文できます。 あくまでも裏メニュー。常連しか食べてませんので。メニュー表にはありません。 稲庭うどんの歴史も長いですが、こういう懐かしい中華そばも願く続いてほしいと思います。 つばくら食堂 増田町字関口 カウンター4席、テーブル席4人×2、座敷テーブル×2(最大12人位かな~)。 The shop is set up in the Showa era itself. The inside of the store is more and more "Showa". Self-service tea and water. Famous ... old Chinese soba, horumon yakisoba, stewed hormones, it was yu tofu. There seems to have been coverage of TV, the weekly magazine, and the magazine etc. of the travel, too. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Show AllUdon for winter? Pot? Stewed?
- 2019In October 9,.
The Inaniwa area is full of temperature differences. It came to fall below ten degrees in the morning and evening. It's cold and cold! Today, I would like to introduce "Inaba Handicraft Udon" for virtue that will be active in the cold season in the future. The image below is "sorting work" of the manufacturing process. Noodles made by hand, hand-kneading, hand-rolling, hand-rolling, drying and completely manually are cut to the default dimensions. Noodles cut to 26 cm are divided into four stages here. (1) Thickness of standard products (2) Non-standard thickness (3) Non-standard thickness 4 disposal (broken, extremely thick or thin .) The product introduced today is the image below [800g including normal price 1200 yen - limited special price 1000 yen (tax excluded)] It is about 8 to 10 people. The time is around 4 minutes and 30 seconds. It is lactin because the time is unexpectedly short in the boil. In the cold season from now on, Tsukemen is also OK as "simmered udon" and "pot tightening". If you are a manufacturer that is mainly gift, it is 700g to 800g around 3000 yen . How virtue! Our special price of business manufacturing and sales center! Looking at the image below, can you see the subtle differences? I think that you can confirm a subtle difference when I upload it further. It is a "expensive product" unique to hand-made manufacturing. Raw materials, manufacturing methods, and craftsmanship are the same as standard products, but they are non-standard products that come out even if they do. We would appreciate your order and inquiry by e-mail. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
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