Stick to inefficient manual work that is not suitable for mass production. I think that such a noodle factory should have "one" even in this era. Using 100% domestic wheat flour, "Iniwa Handicraft Udon" is made by a multi-hydration aging method. Safety and security in terms of raw materials and hygiene. Akita Prefecture HACCP certification.           ◆ The order amount is 7560 yen per delivery address(Tax)Free shipping nationwide with the above ◆


Please set Akita specialty!

Speaking of Akita specialties, "Inaniwa udon", "Kiritanpo", "Irikko" and so on, but today is the introduction of the original cedar box set that is packed with Inaniwa Tegyo Udon, Inaniwa Tsuyu, and "Irikko". The gloss that shines silver as shown in the image, and the throat is smooth Inaniwa udon. Unique flavor by chewing, texture is very popular "Irigako" The topic of Irikko is a staple in restaurants and izakayas, such as salads, sandwich ingredients, cheese, etc. It is a product put in our original "sugi makeup box". Inaniwa Tetsune Udon and Tsuyu are for 8 people. Irikko can be cut into about 20 cut. From now on, you can use it for New Year's day, etc. (Packaging and porridge are also available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?x 1 bottle, Iburi gakko mini x 1 bag (Iburi gakko design, manufacturing plant, form, etc. may be changed depending on the stock situation) Product price 3,000 yen (excluding consumption tax) Shipping fee Please check the shipping page. For product details and delivery methods, etc., please contact us by e-mail. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Souvenirs are empty-handed!

Introducing the set of deals from the rice garden of the residual heat. "Inaniwa Tegyo Udon" is delicious and delicious regardless of summer and winter, but it is also perfect for souvenirs from Akita Prefecture. Inaniwa Udon is always the top souvenir ranking. The delicious "udon" is delicious "Tsuyu" and the taste doubles. In the coming season, we will introduce "Inaniwa Handicraft Udon and Souvenir Set" that you can purchase in advance for customers who can come to Akita Prefecture looking forward to the autumn leaves. It is a super bargain with about 8 servings of Tsuyu in Inaba Teiudon for about 8 people. This volume is 1080 yen. The original cute yellow package also depicts "Map of Namahage, Akita Inu, Akita Prefecture", and it is a genuine "Akita souvenir". The surprise price is the bottom of the image. Until the end of November 2019, only those who have seen this blog are limited to 10 pieces 1 pack and deliver one place in one place, product price, postage, consumption tax included 10,I send it at 000 yen. I'm sorry, but it is [limited quantity, limited time]。 No carrying heavy luggage. The time of the souvenir selection is used meaningfully for sightseeing and leisure. It is safe because the preservation is effective, too. There is no doubt that the person who got it because it is Akita famous production will be pleased! How to order "Souvenir set 10 of the surprise price of September 26,000 yen" and ask by e-mail! Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Speaking of "Akita"...

「秋田」といえば・・・ネットで検索してみますと 「なまはげ」がどうどうの第一位。 ちなみに「稲庭うどん」は7位~10位でした。 この「なまはげの里」男鹿半島に先日行って来ました。 秋田駅での稲庭手業うどんの営業を終え、男鹿市方面へ。 久々に車を走らせましたが、思っていたより遠い遠い!約1時間! ようやく男鹿市の玄関口に・・・! お出迎えする中央の物体。 アップしてみますと・・・ドデカイなまはげ! その大きさは電柱をも超えております。 「なまはげ」は年の節目に家々にやってくる来訪神です。 2018年にユネスコ無形文化財にも登録されております。 ここからさらに20分ほど車を走らせ、たどり着いたのが「道の駅おが オガーレ」。 まだオープンしてから2年ほど?でよくテレビ等で拝見しており、 今回は初めてお邪魔致しました。 平日の夕方4:30ころでお客様のパラパラでしたが、漁師直送の海産物、魚介類を始め オリジナルな加工品等も販売しておりました。 ここの道の駅では「石板焼ハウス33」なる場所があり、物産館で買った食材でBBQが 楽しめるコーナーも設置しております。 「男鹿いがったがぁ?へばまんつ気をつけでな」。下の文章は秋田弁です! 標準語に直すと「男鹿良かったですかぁ~?それではまず気をつけてお帰りください」 と言ったところです。 男鹿観光の詳細は「男鹿なび」で検索してみてください。 なまはげ館、寒風山、入道崎、水族館、温泉施設等の見どころ満載です。 へばな~Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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What if I look at it seriously?

昨日「稲庭手業うどん」の打ち合わせで由利本荘市へ行って来ました。 少し時間に余裕がができましたので、20分ほど山道を奥へ奥へ。 所々道路脇には「熊出没注意」の看板。本当にでても不思議でない光景です。 そして木々に覆われた細い道を抜けましたら、牧場らしき景気とその奥には・・・! そうです!これが秋田富士こと「鳥海山」です。 雲がかかっておりクッキリとは見えませんが、まじかに見る鳥海山。 青空が出始めたので、さて撮影とっ・・・・・すると突然画面に黒い物体が! な・な・なんと偶然、「黒アゲハチョウ」。 そしてもう一枚。アップで鳥海山。 今度は左上側にトンビか?ワシ?か。 こんな偶然もあるんだなぁ~と。撮影した画像はたったの5枚なのに。 9月も中旬となりましたが ↓ の写真は昨年の地元からの鳥海山。 11月22日の日付です。早ければあと1ヶ月半くらいでこの真っ白な景色となってしまいます。 この夏の猛暑が懐かしく感じられる時がもうそこまで来ております。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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「稲庭手業うどん」の配達&打ち合わせで山形市まで。 好天に恵まれた片道2時間30分の絶好のドライブ日和。気温はなんと35℃。 関東地方に近づいてきている台風なため、9月の東北は真夏日でした。 仕事とはいえ遠方に行く一つの楽しみが「昼食」! 時間があれば美味しい麺(ラーメン・うどん・そば)屋さんを探して行っております。 その一つが山形市の中華そば「八幡屋」さん。 山形市のラーメン四天王の一つとされているらしい~! ここは今回で3度目。時間も待たずに入れるPM1:50。 ところが・・・外には2人待ち。私も暑い中10分ほど外のベンチで・・・。 この暑い中待ったため汗もほどほどとなり、今日は冷たい・・・と、思いましたが 回りのお客さんは全員温かい「中華そば」。 俺もやっぱり「大盛りの暖かい中華そば」 裏切らない中太縮れ麺にほんのり甘味のある「やさしい牛骨スープ」。 チャーシューも牛?と思っていつも食べております。 この日も「足立ナンバー」の車が止まっておりました。 門構えや、立地条件ではなく、「本当に美味しいところ」へは人はわざわざ行くんですね。 弊社の「稲庭手業うどん」も本当に美味しいと言ってもらえるように、今後も精進してまいります。 中華そば「八幡屋」 山形市平清水6-4-6 中華そば大盛650円でした~Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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お取引をいただいております「秋の宮山荘」さんの湯治プランです。 2泊3日で11000円。 3泊4日で16500円 なんと1泊あたり¥5500。しかも朝昼夜の三食付。 消費税も入湯税も含んでのこの価格。家にいるより安い・・・・・? よ~く読むと・・・選べるお部屋!和室&洋室ツイン。 秋の宮山荘さんはお風呂も広々、露天もありますしジャグジーもあります。 ※休日前やお一人様利用は1000円増となっておりますが、飛び切りの安さと思います。 詳しくは・・・「スパ&リゾートホテル秋の宮山荘」 0183-56-2400 お土産はぜひ「稲庭手業うどん」をお願いしま~す!Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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Over the Ou Mountains

The day before yesterday, I went to Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture. Route 397 from Higashinase Village in Akita Prefecture to Bilizawa Town, Oshu City for the first time in more than 20 years. Great weather forecast with a 10% chance of precipitation. It's been raining since we reached the pass in the Owa Mountains. However, I was able to take a beautiful image because of the rain. "Trees" and "valleys" near the top of the mountain with plenty of moisture. It was a natural reward. Dark green and white clouds in the distance. By the time I crossed the top of the mountain, I gradually began to see the blue sky. This national highway is closed from the end of October to the beginning of November. The highway which became convenient is also good, but the road where you can enjoy nature is also good. Please try to extend your legs even when you have time. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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It's very hot. The image that becomes cool!

It's so hot every day! Today too, it's 33 degrees Celsius! Even if it rains, it will take about 5 minutes! I want you to do something about it! This heat. It is an image of February thinking that it will be cool a little. Memories that were troubled by the heavy snow! I was looking forward to seeing you cool even for a moment. For all of you who have anorexia! At such a time, "smooth, sicco" throat smooth "Inaniwa Tetsune udon". I ate it at lunch today! After all, it is "Tsukemen and Tsukemen" in summer. It is Tsukemen of Inaba! It is possible to ship on the day at the reception desk until 11:00 a.m. on August 11. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Japan Sea ~ Pacific Ocean

Hot days continue all over Japan. Now is the peak of shipping and delivery before the Bon festival of "Inaniwa Tegyo Udon". Friday ・ I went to Nikaho City on the sea side Japan. Last month, there were no people at all, but this beach has been selected as one of the "100 best sunsets in Japan". Located close to the sea from the parking lot. Hot showers are also available free of charge. It will be until around the time of Obon festival, so please come and visit. And Sunday. Next, we went to the Matsushima coast on the Pacific side. Our company's "Inaniwa Handiage Udon" is deliciously served Inaniwa Udon "Takisawaya" delivered. It is a store that received the Bib Gourmand Award of the Miyagi version of the Michelin Guide. The noodles that are carefully boiled are "strong and smooth to the throat". Celebrating its 32nd anniversary, it is loved by everyone inside and outside the prefecture. It is about 5 minutes by car from Matsushima Beach towards Shiogama. There is a sign after exiting the tunnel. Please stop by when you come to Matsushima. You will be satisfied. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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A don't feel like a gift!

Yuzawa city of the intense heat today. It's hot. It's 33 degrees Celsius. It's Saturday, but today is the day to go to work. All of our employees are fighting the heat. I got a phone call from an acquaintance the other day. It is Akita dialect.  Make "Inaniwa Udon" and "Karinto" stuffed with it.  It's a lot of work, and it's also about packaging.  If it is a contents-chan, it is Erra-3,It's 500 yen! A set of this image by saying. Ass of acquaintance's hope. Udon 10 people, Tsuyu about 10 people, salad udon, Karinto two kinds. Rather than the feelings of the giver, the feelings of the sent side. It is the contents from the appearance. I hanged the packaging once. We will respond to your request as much as possible. &&&&,From 000 to 3 yen including tax,000 or 4 yen including shipping tax,300 or so. We will respond as much as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us! Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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