Stick to inefficient manual work that is not suitable for mass production. I think that such a noodle factory should have "one" even in this era. Using 100% domestic wheat flour, "Iniwa Handicraft Udon" is made by a multi-hydration aging method. Safety and security in terms of raw materials and hygiene. Akita Prefecture HACCP certification.           ◆ The order amount is 7560 yen per delivery address(Tax)Free shipping nationwide with the above ◆

Sales cat Kotetsu

小哲です。 本日も社長と同行営業です。 男鹿市と大潟村への超ロングドライブ~~~ 打合せ前にお腹を満たすため「道の駅てんのう」にてお食事で。 事務所の皆様に遊びと思われないようにパシャリ。 この日は豪雨と突風で運転も大変たいへん。 午後に2つの打合せ。 先ずは一つ目が無事終了。 吾輩の笑顔が先方に通じたようだにゃ~~~! 少し時間があったので近くにある「サンルーラル大潟ホテル」で小休憩。 小休憩。小休憩。 駐車場だけかよ社長~~~~。 中には入れてくれないのかにゃ~~~! 立派なホテルと美味しそうなお食事。 余談だが、吾輩の同居人ミナミが、修学旅行で宿泊するらしい~。 吾輩も一流の会社員になったら、必ず泊りに来るぞ。 (自腹でど~ぞ!と社長の一言!きびしいにゃ~) この後ももう一つと無事に打合せ終了。 吾輩も頑張っております。 なんか買ってくれ~~~~社長~~~! Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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Warehouse shop under preparation

I'm Xiao Zhe. Good morning ~. I have also prepared my workplace, packing warehouse, and shop. Because it is a packing warehouse, the shop is small. They also turned on the air conditioner to prevent the heat from now on. Thank you! Thank you! I'm really grateful for the fur wearing. And the old man is... even in customer service... For some reason... in Ori... nya ~! Preparations are underway. It will open on Monday, May 30 as an apprentice, so it will open quietly. Bargain information will be uploaded from time to time. Best regards ~. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Kotetsu: I am in sales.

Today, I accompanied the president and sales. Kakunodate?Lake Tazawa?Morioka? 北上と 260kmの車中。 車の後部座席?を改良して、吾輩のスペースも確保してもらい快適ドライブ。 日本一深い湖「田沢湖」 先ずはあいさつ代わりにパチャリ。 いつもと違う少しビビリながらの撮影 湖畔にも行き砂浜で大きな白鳥をバックに記念撮影。 とても大きくて大きくてビビりまくりの吾輩。 腰がひけて忍び足になってしまった。 その後は新緑の奥羽山脈を無事に超え、一路岩手県へ。 さ~営業頑張るぞ。 と、、、、、その前に、道の駅で昼休憩。 人も多くてここでもビビりまくり。気が小さい吾輩。 しかし本日は岩手県なので特別に「小岩井牛乳」を買ってくれました。 26度の気温にはピッタリ。 うまい旨い。いう事なし。これで午後からも仕事がんばるぞ~。 ここでも記念撮影。 岩手山をバックにパシャリ。 岩手の皆さん当社の商品をお・ね・が・い・し・ま・す・にゃ~。 来週には吾輩の勤務場所も準備完了だにゃ~。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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Autumn deepens...

On the way to delivery to Yurihonjo City. It's so beautiful. In sunny weather for the first time in a long time, "red of torii", "yellow of ginkgo trees", "blue of the sky" This is the limit of my photography technique, but the real thing was much more vivid. This is the "ginkgo tree avenue" along the national highway in Masuda Town, Yokote City By the time this leaf falls, a white monster will fall from the sky. The not-so-distant reality is shown in the image below. I just pray that there will be less this winter. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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The season that is too delicious arrives "Serri~"

Today only images. The season has arrived too delicious, and you can also eat the roots of "Sanseki Seri" Kiritampo hot pot. Novice. Hinaiji Chicken & Soup Today, only images... Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Stray? Mr. Clerk

Autumn is deepening and fruits are delicious in the south of Akita Prefecture. This is Furu~tsu Street in Masuda-cho, Yokote City, which is often passed by for delivery. Unmanned direct sales outlets at bargain prices are opening one after another this year as well. This is a direct sales shop for "vending machines" that was established this year. Every time I passed, it seemed like someone was guarding the store, and I always cared about it. I was worried today and glanced sideways. Anxious U-turn. After all I was curious, GO~ "Farmer mannequin" pretending to be reading something ~~~~~! Grandma? Grandpa? I thought it was in the same posture, so it's refreshing. One bag in a refreshing place. Purchase ~~~. 3 pieces ¥200~. Moreover, there are a wide variety of varieties. We are also expecting "Fuji apples" in late November. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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road? Stations in

Driving day in good weather. The number of tourists has gradually recovered from the drastic decline, and while feeling the joy of being able to deliver, in the mountains heading towards Kakunodate and Lake Tazawa... It suddenly appeared on a back road in a mountainous area with no railroad tracks and no national highway.?Not a roadside station 〇 "Unknown station" It seems that today is a closed day, but this idea is interesting. [Unknown station] with unknown potential. Those who thought of such a tasteful store name. Great, isn't it? As the franchise name of the farmers' direct sales office, "Unknown station 〇〇 store" spread~~~ On the other hand, our company is not defeated. In my hometown, it was initially a mysterious "'vending machine'". The current name of the store is "Takakura Department Store". It only sells food, so it is not a "department store". Initially, they only sold their own "Inaniwa udon" and "Karinto", but Yamamura is a 20-minute drive from the nearest convenience store and a 20-minute walk to a small private store. In response to requests, Akita specialties "Kiritanpo, curry, iburigako, kelp roll~~" and so on. In the heat of this summer, two "juice vending machines" were installed. From August, it is difficult to obtain Mie prefecture specialty "Ise udon" in Akita. From October, they also sell "Nagoya Kishimen & Miso Braised Udon". Of course, there is also "Inaniwa udon", so rest assured (vending machine limited volume is increasing by 150%). Due to the Corona disaster, "udon factories" nationwide are also in a difficult situation. We will send out rare "udon" from other prefectures from "Inaniwa Village" as much as possible. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Thanks to you, it's our second anniversary.

"Platinum Udon / Akita Inaniwa Hand Industry Udon" was visited by our business partner when we visited Tokyo. A restaurant on the 1st line of Chapeau Funabashi, directly connected to JR Funabashi Station. The original "Inaniwa Tsukemen 3 kinds of soup" here. The authentic soy sauce taste, the white soup with the exquisite hidden taste, and the black sesame soup with plenty of sesame flavor. The noodles are also exquisitely boiled. Noodles that have been thoroughly rubbed and washed. Noodles chilled in cold water. When you eat it, you can feel the taste and the commitment of the kama craftsman. In the manufacturing process of Inaniwa hand-made udon, the flavor and taste are decided by the commitment of the cook even if it takes 4 days sticking to manual labor. The chefs here make the most of the dry noodles made by udon craftsmen. It is around 11:10 a.m. just before opening. 10 customers have already entered the store. "Platinum Udon / Akita Inaniwa Tei Industry Udon" and "Grand Opening 2nd Anniversary Menu Ume Tororo Hot Udon" are also popular. We look forward to your continued patronage in the future. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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伊丹から秋田への最終日。飛行機での移動まで久しぶりの大阪見物。 さすが大阪!飲食店のショーケースも超ド派手。 海外の皆さんも記念撮影をしておりました。 秋田もこのぐらいのインパクトを「考えないと」と実感しました。 立ち飲み屋さんでは観光客らしき方々がビール片手に「串揚げ」をパクリ。 我々もつられて3品だけオーダー。 秋田では考えられない「紅ショウガ」の串揚げ。 ソースと衣の旨さに、紅ショウガの辛味が絶妙です。 久しぶりに難波~道頓堀へ散策。 月曜日というのに大勢のお客様。東京より多いんじゃないかと思いました。 大阪と言えば「粉物」。 大阪最後のランチは「お好み焼き」2個と追加の「焼きそば」 店員さんがテーブルで上手に焼いてくれるお店で3人満足満足。 お店は法善寺横丁から商店街に抜ける路地の2階。 常連らしき方々、スマホ片手に来る海外の若者でお昼前で満席となりました。 まっ我々はスマホも観光情報もなく「第六感」で見つけたお店です。 イベントも大成功、少しの観光もできた充実した4日間でした。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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今年も行ってきました「伊丹空港雪まつり」。 横手市の「かまくら」、男鹿市の「なまはげ」とともに、秋田の物産展。 18日~19日の二日間、多くのお客様にお越しいただきました。 今年は秋田も雪不足。しかし会場には横手市の皆様の努力により 見事な「かまくら」が出現。 会場横には「スノーパーク」を作り、ソリ遊びができるように工夫をしておりました。 スコップを持ち、早朝から準備をする横手市の職員の皆様の努力に感謝です。 朝10:00~のオープンに合わせ、9:00過ぎには順番待ちの家族が・・・! 夕方4:00過ぎまで延々と長蛇の列が途切れることなく、大成功な雪まつりでした。 秋田の「物産展」も同時開催し、その場で食べれる「きりたんぽ焼き」&「芋の子汁」も大好評。 「稲庭手業うどん」は商品販売だけでしたが好評で、2日目の午後には完売となりました。 いぶりがっこ、りんご、日本酒、横手焼きそば等の商品もすべて完売。 例年以上にご来場いただき大盛況な2日間となりました。 上と下の画像はオープン前の店舗です。 オープン後は撮影もできないくらいの人込みでした。 来年も「お客様のご希望商品」を選定して伺いたいと思います。 2月は秋田の小正月行事(雪まつり)がたくさん行われます。 是非、お越しくださいませ~~~~!Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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