We insist on inefficient manual work that is not suitable for mass production. Even in this era, such a noodle factory thinks that "it is good to have one". "Inaba Handicraft Udon" uses 100% domestic flour and is made by the multi-additive water aging method. Safety and security in terms of both raw materials and hygiene. Akita Prefecture HACCP certification.

I went again this year.

I went again this year "2019 Kojima Denki Kogyo your Thanksgiving" in Tokyo Big sight 2/1-2 for 2 days. Beginning trader Udon noodles, apples, only kiritanpo, Buri or square brackets, etc. sell Akita & third year and become familiar with your popular! On the same day was also sold out. At the booth next door exhibition sales of machinery and equipment other, like food booth. Delicious dish thing all over the country were being sold together. In the main room... this year two of the comedy duo "Knights" appeared. Children and adults had spent time lol. I also work, cheated, we visited. Kojima Denki-like venue was a great success, but also the venue of the next wow matrix from morning. I visited to do something...! A-a-a-Oh! Nogizaka slope 46 handshake meeting! Unfortunately photos of was indeed NG, so at the very least signs that...! It was the day he realized the Metropolitan Tokyo. Language this page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original.

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Itami airport events

I went again this year "Itami airport snow festival". 1/19-20, 二日 between the Kamakura SideArm at Itami airport monorail events Piazza, OGA namahage and product exhibition of Akita. Authentic Yokote Kamakura appeared at the venue. Until the morning 9:30 evening 5:00 after in parent-child photo long line. In addition, OGA namahage registered by UNESCO last year also appeared. Namahage real children and cried, running, makes noise. From beginning to end was a lively event. Last year, and turned a warm was two days anyway the wind is calm. Thanks to the warm climate of commercial and physical fitness can be filled and have been enjoying an Osaka specialty skewers.... While the fun 二日 endowed members, rises the privileged guests. Experience no beam can come to eat this year flocked to. Language this page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original.

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Okinawa the great trade of 2018

11April 29-二日 between 30 days and I went to the "Okinawa the great trade of 2018". Okinawa day temperature is 26 degrees Celsius. Akita and temperature is 18 ° C. Hot hot! Images of domestic and overseas buyers and trader udon-Udon noodles drugs table business meeting venue. 6 th meeting of the 47 prefectures centered on Japan Japan and East Asia, Southeast Asia with 256 suppliers join about 240 companies buyers like in big big big big opportunity of participation. The meeting took place in the individual format what you felt at the time. In contrast to the exhibition, almost without any decoration only PC and documents. Is talking heart-to-heart for domestic and foreign buyers, and was a really valuable time and story time. I think now this opportunity edge trader Udon noodles and Udon noodles drugs Zen in cuisine or. Our buyers, suppliers and staff with our stakeholders, thank you. By the way, the image below is Okinawa Soba. And coming street car at the moment of Okinawa's lunch break. Two men at Okinawa Soba & juicy onigiri. Eat lunch outside is nice! ~.

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Relaxing or anything...!

The day before yesterday, from early in the morning to the trading partners of Japan Sea side "Udon noodles trader" delivery. And Yamagata prefectures on the Japan Sea side located in nikaho city from less than 2 hours by car. And free motorways from yurihonjo city, is short for quite some time. This day is blessed with Super fine, took a picture with a calm sea of Japan. White-crested waves also don't think winter was nice. Deep in the sea is a pretty big ship "white bodies". It was really gentle weather much long distance views. I cruise ship or cargo ship this year to Akita port was port a number of cruise ships. Thanks "Udon noodles trader" also built a reputation for and received many orders every time. But from severe cold Japan Sea in winter and quayside Akita's famous "hatahatazushi". I also very much. Akita's famous "sailfin sandfish, endless kiritanpo / Udon noodles trader". Whiskies in the cold season. Language this page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original.

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Next spring I will come again.

Kurikoma Villa who was indebted to on sale "Udon noodles trader" may through October this year went to transportation. Until the final 11/4 successfully became the first snow in late October, but he was able to enroll. This is a picture of on the road to the Summit. Green bamboo leaves and red berries and fallen trees, and the interior mountains and snow! Road signs are all closed, were passable only vehicles. It is next to the shop of kurikoma mountain views. Snow from the roof was says many of the snow. But of course the temperature low 5 ° C was...! Entrance to parking lot is also snow. All building enclosure, until May of the next year period of more than six months buried in the snow. Every year that it is "sad feelings" is the island. Thank you again next year. Language this page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original.

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This year's last show

Akita Prefecture from autumn to winter and progressing steadily. Yesterday has been exhibited to the events of the last year. Hanadate Ranch toriumi Highlands serve as public and private customer in the event. Too hanadate Ranch's first event was blessed with good weather, many customers are visiting! Udon noodles trader dining is offered at a special price. Our highly acclaimed became sold on 13:50. Also value of Udon noodles trader and the harvest was sold brand new "Apple". Location is punishment of Akita Prefecture and Yamagata Prefecture spans chokai mountain. Children's square! The lodge can accommodate! Hanadate Ranch in the event venue and children very popular pony! Riding the pony, had been free on Thanksgiving Day and special on this day. And planning for the first time this was. This season is closed until next spring because of heavy snow, but will spring-summer now more grandly to was in planning the event. Take a look at everyone as the snow plateau toriumi hanadate Ranch to bring your legs please. Language this page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original.

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Autumn scenery and hot springs map

Today I went to the Palace fall in the delivery. It is of prefectures and naruko, Miyagi Prefecture Akita Prefecture's southernmost hot spring area. This view towards the 宮方 aspect of the fall from the Yuzawa city! We put today was overcast skies "unkai" has stunning views. ... Would autumn around here do best from the end of the month. Yuzawa has many hot springs. Map of the fall of the Palace, took a picture! Akinomiya, Koyasu Hot Springs, Onsen hot springs mud, and Sugawa hot springs. Palace of the autumn star, Sugawa Onsen hot spring. Healing mind, body and slowly when there closed interval because of snow from the beginning of 11 September unfortunately have time to can. Of course! Souvenir is determined in the "trader udon". We have handled at hot springs accommodation, souvenir shops, and way station. Local only... Super, Super, Super Tak products... so-Language this page is translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original.

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Innovation at the 30th anniversary

先日の19日(土)~20日(日)の二日間、製造実演販売へ行って来ました。 稲庭うどんがまだメジャーでない30年前に、宮城県利府町に開店した 稲庭うどん専門店

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This year at the big sight

今年もビックサイトでの販売会に出展してまいりました。 小島電機工業様の「お客様大感謝祭」 稲庭手業うどんを始め、きりたんぽ、いぶりがっこ、比内地鶏ラーメン、横手焼きそば・・・! 秋田の物産品やリンゴもお持ちいたしました。 秋田県内限定の「稲庭手業うどん 超お徳用1kg」は即日完売でした。 今年は販売業者様も増え、お客様は両手いっぱいに商品を買っておりました。 当社も秋田市内の食品卸業者様とタッグを組みまして新規格をしてみました。 極上「生きりたんぽセット・産地直送」と「完熟樹上ふじりんご・産地直送」。 きりたんぽは数名のお客様が、りんごは二十数名のお客様よりご注文いただきました。  来年も出展予定です。 都内近郊でイベント等の出展依頼がございましたら是非メールにてご連絡くださいませ。 来年も1月~3月まではスケジュール調整いたしましてお伺いいたします。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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大阪伊丹空港でのイベントに13日~14日の二日間出展してきました。 湯沢の気温は-6℃。到着した大阪の気温は4℃。 大阪空港は現在リニューアル工事中。大規模な工事状況でした。 イベント会場は空港と隣接の「大阪空港モノレール駅の下」でしたので 寒い中でのイベントとなりましたが、 横手市の「かまくら」、男鹿市の「なまはげ太鼓」を中心に大賑わい。 二日間家族連れを中心に朝から晩まで「かまくら」での記念撮影 雪の広場での「そり遊び」等、30~60分待ちでした。 当社は「稲庭手業うどん」を中心に秋田特産「きりたんぽ」「いぶりがっこ」等の販売。 寒さで疲れましたが「心地よい疲労感」でした。 いろいろな「ゆるきゃら」も駆けつけ、にぎやかな二日間でした。 お声がかかれば物産展にも出店しております。 2月10日からは「ビックサイト」へ出展いたします。 秋田限定品等をお持ちいたしますので宜しくお願い致します。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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