Stick to inefficient manual work that is not suitable for mass production. I think that such a noodle factory should have "one" even in this era. Using 100% domestic wheat flour, "Iniwa Handicraft Udon" is made by a multi-hydration aging method. Safety and security in terms of raw materials and hygiene. Akita Prefecture HACCP certification.           ◆ The order amount is 7560 yen per delivery address(Tax)Free shipping nationwide with the above ◆

My favorite scenery

This is the view from the office. Houses and mountains reflected in the calm water. It's a kind of relieving scenery. The countryside is ~~na~~~. By the way... The ladder on the roof is for removing snow to climb to the roof of the second floor~. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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San seki-san is also rooted in "Shakishaki"

It is a post after a long time. Yuzawa City is also a hot spring in winter. The harvest of "Ser" has begun here in the San seki area. "Serri that you can eat root" is now a specialty food of winter in Akita. It can be soaked in a carpet pan or a pot. It is also active in "one pickle". "Sanno seki no Seri", which is difficult to get outside of Akita Prefecture, we will do our best to be related to people. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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I ate it!

Today is hot and hot hot ... hot - Akita is also a midsummer day ~~~~~~ ! Today's lunch~~~! Sumine-n! Even if I had a bento, I ate Inaniwa Yingying Udon as a "main food" instead of "trial eating" at our office. It's not! The noodles are of course chilled, and the "Inaniwa sauce and soy sauce flavor" are also chilled, and the wasabi and green onions are slurped! By the way, the original recipe "Sesame Miso Soup" is also ~~~ ! Ah, it was delicious. Today's impressions Are over! Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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It was still March.

Pampas grass and clear stream. This image is in the middle of delivery on March 31. fine weather15°C on this day blessed with It is already "Suisen" in the vicinity where the pampas grass also has become straight. "Suisen" with yellow flowers. By the way, it's still March. This is a heavy snowfall area in Akita.It is "Yuzawa City". It was a scenery that really felt warm winter. The pure sere of the river, the mountains in the back do not feel the appearance of winter at all. There was no work such as daily snow removal and roof snow removal, and it was really helpful, but I was worried about what the coming season would be like. We hope that the virus problem will be solved quickly and that it will be a calm day. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Craftsmen struggle with the climate

It's this week when temperatures are changing markedly. The temperature was 20°C on a thermometer on the road in Yuzawa City the day before yesterday. Temperatures from late April to early May. Akita Fuji "Mt. Toriumi" is also crispy as shown in the image. Mt. Toriumi at an altitude of 2,236 meters is still pure white, but the rice field in front is completely snow-free. Swans have also come to the Inaniwa region to prepare for "journey". Is it more than half a month earlier than the year...! It is easy to spend time in such a temperature, but the craftsmen who make Inaniwa handmade udon are struggling. The sudden rise in temperature annoys the artisans. It is a work process that starts with 綯 hand kneading, goes hand-in-hand, and proceeds hand-by-hand, but "drying" that shapes the taste is a show place of skilled craftsmen' skills. Especially in the season when the climate fluctuates greatly, we pay the latest attention and proceed with the work. However... there is a limit even if it is said that it is a skilled craftsman. A few degrees a year, the noodles are made of bad wood or thin. To be honest, there are times when we can't ship for business use. It is boiled in a timely way, finished with ice water, and tasted, but there are also "noodles" that cannot be shipped for business use. I'm sorry because it's not machine making, but it will be a response at the sales price for super virtue. 900g is 800 yen. Limited sale at local road stations, limited quantities on the internet. The image is "noodles" that are beautifully dried, but craftsmen are making efforts every day even after many years. "Inaniwa Handmade Udon" is a crystallization of craftsman's technique. When the weather is warm, please enjoy it with "Tsukemen and Tsukemen". We will continue to make and deliver "Inaniwa Hand-made Udon" that customers can agree with by making "daily efforts" and "daily efforts". Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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It's still late February.

It is an image of the day before yesterday. On Thursday, February 20, 2020, half of the apple trees in a normal year are covered with snow, and the mountains are snow, snow, and snow. The sky is a feeling of a gutsy feeling. If you look only at the sky, it is a color reminiscent of early summer. On this day, the temperature rose to 10 °C. It is the time to select the trees of "apples" every year, but because there is no snow and the ground is loose, it is not possible to do that, and the situation where branches can grow unlimitedly. Fruit tree farmers say that after the ground hardens, use a footred by the bed and do it all at once. This is the time of year when branches break due to snow or are snow-horied. There is no snow and work does not progress. A veteran of 57 years of fruit tree cultivation history was also in a state of hand-raised. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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明けましておめでとうございます。本年も変わらぬご愛顧のほど宜しくお願い申し上げます 昨日から2020年の仕事始め。今年も皆様に美味しい稲庭手業うどんをお届けできますよう社員一同で精進してまいります。 今年一番最初の画像です。 本日通勤時の気温はマイナス8℃。木々も凍るほどの寒さでした。 道路脇の樹木と電柱です。 電柱を支える「鉄」ですが、ご覧のとおり凍ってます。 奥の枝も雪華を見事に咲かせておりました。 奥に見える山々、雪に覆われた田園、雪華が咲く木々。 天候も良く寒いですが「幸せ」と感じれる一瞬でした。 天候も良く久々に「鳥海山」もくっきり見えます。 湯沢市、横手市から見る鳥海山は「秋田富士」。富士山とそっくりです。 寒い寒い日にはやっぱり「稲庭手業うどん」の温麺です。 今年も変わらずに手造りの美味しさをお届けしたいと思います。 2月からは新商品の販売も致しますので、ご期待くださいませ。 本年も宜しくお願い申し上げます。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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Skotama Sanby~

It is "snow" that it rained once last week, but it is hot without root snow this winter. However, the cold is getting severe after all. The temperature in Yuzawa city today is -4°C. As you can see, "frost" covers the entire area. Trees and mountains are frozen and endure the cold. Clover near the parking lot is also this street. The frost that shines green is fantastic for some reason. Every year, mountains and rice fields are white, but as you can see! It is today's temperature which seems to face a full-fledged winter from now on. On such a cold day, please warm your body and heart with "Inaniwa Hand Industry Udon". The boiling time is only 3 minutes and 30 seconds. You can enjoy the taste of the real place. By the way, [Skotama, Sanby~] is akita dialect. It means [pretty cold~]. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Winter... just around the time?

Delivery of "Inaniwa Teeshi Udon" to Yamanaka... It is early, and October is tomorrow and the last day. Akita Fuji "Toriumiyama" also started to wear light snow make-up, but the mountains here in Yuzawa City are also in the end of autumn leaves. In October, the difference in temperature became large and it became a splendid color. At the gas station in the area, the letter of "November 18" snowfall forecast date is also .! I feel that the first snow is slower than usual, but the fight with the snow will start for the next five months. The coming season is "Inaniwa Teyeshi Udon" after all. Please warm your body and mind by making plenty of seasonal "mushrooms" and "yasa" etc. in the noodles. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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What if I look at it seriously?

昨日「稲庭手業うどん」の打ち合わせで由利本荘市へ行って来ました。 少し時間に余裕がができましたので、20分ほど山道を奥へ奥へ。 所々道路脇には「熊出没注意」の看板。本当にでても不思議でない光景です。 そして木々に覆われた細い道を抜けましたら、牧場らしき景気とその奥には・・・! そうです!これが秋田富士こと「鳥海山」です。 雲がかかっておりクッキリとは見えませんが、まじかに見る鳥海山。 青空が出始めたので、さて撮影とっ・・・・・すると突然画面に黒い物体が! な・な・なんと偶然、「黒アゲハチョウ」。 そしてもう一枚。アップで鳥海山。 今度は左上側にトンビか?ワシ?か。 こんな偶然もあるんだなぁ~と。撮影した画像はたったの5枚なのに。 9月も中旬となりましたが ↓ の写真は昨年の地元からの鳥海山。 11月22日の日付です。早ければあと1ヶ月半くらいでこの真っ白な景色となってしまいます。 この夏の猛暑が懐かしく感じられる時がもうそこまで来ております。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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